Graduates' Employability Project
Among the functions of the ACPUA entrusted by Law 5/2005, of 14 June, on the Organisation of the University System of Aragon, is that of "Monitoring the labour market insertion of graduates". The University System of Aragon has so far lacked a systematic programme to monitor university graduates, so that the studies carried out have been punctual with the consequent loss of comparability. In this field, the ACPUA has carried out different actions, such as carrying out a survey, in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza, to university graduates in the academic year 2008/09 or the coordination of a group from the Spanish Network of Higher Education QA Agencies (REACU) that defined a basic set of indicators of labour insertion and developed a questionnaire model.
In order to overcome this weakness, and in collaboration with the Universidad de Zaragoza and its Social Council, Universidad San Jorge, the Aragon Institute of Statistics and the General Directorate of Universities, the ACPUA initiated in 2015 the development of a systematic follow-up project for university graduates in the University System of Aragon (SUA).
This project made it possible to have a first preview of the results of the survey on labour market insertion of SUA graduates (2013-2014 academic year), which was presented on 21 June 2018.
The signing of a new addendum to the agreement in 2019 made it possible to carry out the second edition of this survey of SUA graduates from the 2016-2017 cohort. The final report with the results was presented on 21 March 2023. The presentation event was chaired by Maru Díaz Calvo, Regional Minister of Science, University and Knowledge Society. Aurelio López de Hita, President of the Social Council of the UZ, Antonio Mayoral Murillo, Rector Magnificent of the UZ, Berta Sáez Gutiérrez, Rector of the USJ and Diana Monaj León, quality and university foresight technician of the ACPUA, were accompanied her at the table.
All documents regarding this survey can be found on the following links:
- Access to the IAEST website with the resulting statistical tables by University, gender and ISCED1 codes (type of degrees).
- Access to the final report
Archivos adjuntos
Other activities
Analysis of the Labour Market Insertion of the graduates of the Universidad de Zaragoza. 2011.
This analysis is the result of collaboration between the ACPUA, the Universidad de Zaragoza's Guidance and Employment Service (UNIVERSA), the University Employment Observatory, and the support of the Aragon Employment Institute, with the aim of finding out the degree of labour insertion of students who finished their studies in 2009.
The importance of this analysis lies in the need to attend to the requirements of the labour market faced by university graduates, being a priority to follow up and integrate the graduates of the Universidad de Zaragoza into the labour market.
Employability and employment: Higher Education and labour market in Spain and in Aragon. 2014
The present analysis provides an updated overview of the employment and unemployment situation according to the educational level of individuals, focusing especially on the panorama of university employment through the recent Continuous Survey of Working Life of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security carried out by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.
Analysis of the quality of employment of university students. An application to the case of Aragon. 2008
This study aims to analyse various aspects of the labour market insertion of university graduates. In this way, the quality of employment of university graduates is analysed, based on aspects such as the possible imbalance in the educational level of university graduates when they enter a job, its temporary nature, and even intersectoral polyvalence. This study is carried out in the context of Aragon, and a disaggregated analysis is reached at the level of university programmes. To achieve this objective, an analysis was made of all the contracts signed in Aragon during 2005 and 2006 in which university graduates from the Universidad de Zaragoza were involved. The results obtained show the existence of important differences in the labour insertion profiles of the university graduates between the programmes and areas of knowledge analysed. This information is especially relevant in the context of adapting the programmes to the new demands of the European Higher Education Area, at a time when the catalogue of programmes is opening and universities will be able to create new programmes that will seek a connection with the labour market.
Analysis of university unemployment: an application to the case of Aragon. 2009
The analysis of labour market insertion from administrative registers is a little used source of information. Universities traditionally follow up their graduates through survey programmes which, in general, have as their weak points their high economic cost and sampling errors. Achieving a sample size that offers tolerable errors at degree level requires economic efforts that are sometimes difficult to assume, even more so if an annual programme is to be systematised.
In the Autonomous Community of Aragon, an annual analysis of the employment contracts of graduates of the Universidad de Zaragoza is carried out, offering information on gender, seasonality, economic sector and adaptation by university programme. This article explores the information that comes from another administrative register: the unemployment registered in the Autonomous Community of Aragon in the offices of the National Institute of Employment. The potential of this register is explored, together with the precautions that must be taken into account for its analysis, arriving at the calculation of some indicators that aim to approximate the unemployment rates.
Seminars of the University Employment Observatories
These seminars are a meeting point for the heads and technicians of the employment observatories or university graduate labour insertion services, as well as other technicians, researchers and managers in the field of employment and/or university management. The ACPUA attended the VII Jornadas de los Observatorios de empleo universitarios (Castellón, 2018) and the VIII Jornadas de los Observatorios de empleo universitarios (Murcia, 2019).
Mobility and employment in the European Union
On 11 March 2019, the conference on "Mobility and Employment in the European Union" organised by Europe Direct and INAEM was held in the Assembly Hall of the INAEM Advanced Technology Centre. The participants ranged from those seeking work opportunities abroad to employers and technicians from various institutions, to find out about the different support services and opportunities for labour mobility. The ACPUA attended this conference due to its interest in learning about the different resources and services for the labour market insertion of university graduates. In the attached files you can consult the programme and the news of the Conference, as well as the information brochures of Universa regarding the International Internship Programmes.
New cycle of webinars on the challenges of higher education: Nursing training
On September 30th, the webinar "The current challenges of nursing studies in our country" took place, organised by the Agency for Quality and University Prospective in Aragon (ACPUA) in collaboration with other regional agencies for university quality (AQU, ACCUEE, ACSUCYL, DEVA-AAC and Unibasq). Academics and experts in quality from the agencies, as well as from the National Conference of Nursing Deans and the General Council of Nursing participated in the meeting, which addressed the issue from both the current international perspective and from the social and employment needs.
This webinar is the first in a series that will be offered by the ACPUA and the aforementioned regional agencies on the current challenges of higher education training in Spain.
The following link from AQU allows access to the materials of the seminar