Spanish Network of Higher Education QA Agencies (REACU)
The REACU (Spanish Network of Higher Education QA Agencies) plays an important role in coordinating and exchanging information on the evaluation processes and activities carried out by the participating agencies. Furthermore, it contributes decisively to the harmonisation at national level of the evaluation criteria used by the agencies, since it is within them that the draft national evaluation guidelines and protocols are usually prepared, which then end up having official status through the ANECA, the CURSA commission and the General Conference on University Policy.
Observer agency in REACU meetings since 2015.
University Commission for the Regulation of follow up (monitoring) and renewal of Accreditation (CURSA)
The CURSA (University Commission for the Regulation of follow-up and renewal of the accreditation) is a technical commission approved by the Council of Universities and the University General Policy Conference. It is chaired by the Director General of University Policy and its composition is mixed: senior representatives of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (4), directors general of autonomous communities (4), universities (5), ANECA and university quality agencies (4). The ACPUA is part of this commission, being the only member from the Autonomous Community of Aragon. The functions of the CURSA are the following:
- To agree on the guidelines and protocol for the process of monitoring programmes and renewing accreditation
- To prepare general or specific reports on the process of implementation of the EHEA to be submitted to the Council of Universities and the University General Policy Conference.
- To agree on solutions to problems of interpretation and to conflicts arising in the procedures for monitoring and renewing accreditation.
- To discuss and propose any other aspect related to the monitoring, the renewal of accreditation and the implementation of the EHEA not previously contemplated.
Integrated University Information System (SIIU)
The SIIU is a database of the Spanish University System organized in 5 areas: academic, human resources, economic, labor market insertion and R+D. This system is supported by a web platform and is developed by the Ministry. Universities must publish their data with the previous validation of the corresponding Regional Governments.
The system allows the obtaining of comparable data since all the data are submitted to quality control and centralized calculation.
The ACPUA collaborates in the design of the system through participation in national and regional meetings.