Teaching activity evaluation system audit - DOCENTIA Programme





The DOCENTIA programme is developed by ANECA together with the regional agencies to help universities equip themselves with assessment programmes for their teaching staff. The teaching performance assessment is an essential aspect in order to ensure their professional competence and the compromise with society.

The DOCENTIA Programme takes as a reference the recommendations for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions elaborated by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) in its document Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area. 

Likewise, the standards established by internationally recognized organizations in the field of personnel evaluation, such as The Personnel Evaluation Standards, developed by The Joint Committee of Standards for Educational Evaluation, have been taken into account in the design of the programme.



The objective of the programme is to provide a model for the evaluation of teaching staff to universities so that each one of them,within its own specificities, defines its own programme for the evaluation of its teaching staff.



The DOCENTIA programme establishes three stages evaluation:


  1. Design evaluation: the university presents its evaluation programme based on the model proposed by the DOCENTIA programme.
  2. Follow-up of implementation: the university prepares an annual report with the monitoring of the implementation of the design evaluated favourably in stage 1. The panels can make proposals for improvement or point out aspects that must be improved before the programme can be certified.
  3. Certification of the implementation: after a minimum period of two years of implementation of the model, the results are evaluated, certifying the correct functioning of the programme designed by the university.

The three stages of evaluation are carried out by panels appointed by the reference regional agency of the applicant university together with ANECA. The report issued by this panel is submitted to the SEC, which is responsible for the final issuance of the corresponding evaluation reports.


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ORDEN de 31 de agosto de 2012 (Spanish) 


  DOCENTIA Programme (Spanish)  



Search and download QA evaluation reports (in Spanish) by Type of report (Follow up reports/ Public information reports or Accreditation reports), University name, Faculty/ College/ School, Category, Study Programme type, Release year, Title (enter any keyword):

Certified centers

ANECA maintains the national register of universities certified in the DOCENTIA programme.
