

The ACPUA is an autonomous body (public law entity) attached to the 

Department of Employment, Science and Universities of the Government of Aragon. 

Below are the functions, composition and members that are part of the governing bodies, the advisory body and the technical bodies of the Agency.   






Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the highest governing body of the Agency. Its main function is dictating the general strategy of the Agency: approval of the programming and annual report on the activities, approval of the budget; approval of memoranda of understanding, establishment of new technical committees, etc.  It is made up of:



Claudia Pérez Forniés

Minister of Employment, Science and Universities from the Aragon Government



Mª Luisa Feijóo Bello

Aragon General Director of Universities



Cristina Rodríguez Coarasa

Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education Director


Substitute Secretary

Mª Pilar Gayán Sanz

Aragon General Director of Science and Research



José Antonio Mayoral Murillo

Rector of  the Universidad de Zaragoza

Silvia Carrascal Domínguez

Rector of the Universidad San Jorge

Aurelio López de Hita

President of the Social Advisory Board of the Universidad de Zaragoza

José Ángel Castellanos Gómez

Vice-Rector for Academic Policy of the Universidad de Zaragoza

Jorge Echeverría Ochoa

Vice-Rector for Academic Policy and Quality of the Universidad San Jorge

Fiona Crozier

Member of the Committee of Experts

Rogelio Alonso Pascual

Member of the Committee of Experts

Juan Carlos Dehesa Conde

Representative of CEOE Aragón, the Confederation of employers and industries

Carmelo Pérez Serrano

Representative of CEPYME Aragón, the Confederation of small and middle size companies

Josefina Jiménez Villar

Representative of UGT trade union

Ana Rosa Soria de Miguel

Representative of SOMOS Unizar

Santiago Puyol Miano 

President of the Student's Council from the Universidad de Zaragoza

Amor Yun Bernal Cabrerizo

Student representative from the Universidad San Jorge 

Chief Executive

Cristina Rodríguez Coarasa is Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. She holds a degree and PhD in Law from the Complutense University. Specialisation Diploma in Constitutional Law and Political Science from the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies.

For several years, until she joined the University Rey Juan Carlos, she has been a lecturer in Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law of the Complutense University, at the Higher Education Centre Cardenal Cisneros and at the Faculty of Law of the National University of Distance Education.

She focuses on her main line of research and publications in the field of fundamental rights, especially on educational issues such as academic freedom and university autonomy.

She has held various higher education management positions in the General Secretariat of the Rey Juan Carlos University and, as Deputy Director General, in the General Secretariat of Universities of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

Her link with the Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education began in 2020 as a member of the Appeals Committee of ACPUA until she took office as Director of the Agency.


Cristina Rodríguez Coarasa




Committee of Experts

The Committee of Experts is the Agency's advisory body and consists of:


Fiona Crozier

International Expert (Ireland)



Carlos Martín Montañés

Professor of the Universidad de Zaragoza



Máximo Valenciano Arranz

President of INYCOM



Rogelio Alonso Pascual

Professor of Political Science at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid


Appeals Committee

Technical body of the Agency which is responsible for supervising the proper conduct of the Agency's evaluation, certification and accreditation procedures and for reporting on appeals against decisions of the Director. This committee is made up of academics in higher education institutions, international professionals and students, at least half of whom have a legal background.


Gabriel Morales Arruga, Chair 

Expert in Law 



Patricia Cifredo Ortíz, Student

PhD student at the Faculty of Law at the Universidad de Sevilla




Commission of Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation

The Commission of Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation (CECA) is the technical body that prepares and approves the Agency's evaluation methodologies, protocols and procedures. It does not evaluate or issue evaluation reports. It is made up of academic experts, students, professionals, international experts and external stakeholders.


Cristina Rodríguez Coarasa, President 

ACPUA's Director




Patricia Espejo Megías

University of Castilla La Mancha



María Leonor González Menorca

University of La Rioja



Francisco Gracia Navarro

University of Córdoba




Laura Peiró Márquez, Student 

University of  Basque country


Luis A. Polo Rubio, External stakeholder 

Spanish Red Cross



Teresa Sánchez Chaparro External stakeholder

QA Expert, Madrid



Erika Soboleva, International 

Director of the AKKORK, Russia




Programmes Evaluation Committee

The Programmes Evaluation Committee (SET) is involved in the review of study programmes including programmes in the arts. This committee includes academic, professional, student and international experts, all from outside the University System of Aragon. 


Jordi Suriñach Caralt, Social & Legal Sciences (Chair)

University of Barcelona



Jorge Fernández López, Arts & Humanities 

University of La Rioja



Francisco Arnalich Fernández, Health Sciences

Autonomous University of Madrid



María Teresa Flores Arias, Sciences

University of Santiago de Compostela




Elena Valderrama Vallés, Engineering & Architecture

Autonomous University of Barcelona



David Joao Cordeiro Fernandes, Student

University of Murcia



Francisco Aracena Bernal, International

Universidad Andrés Bello de Chile



Elvira Congosto Luna, Professional

Mirabal International School



Institutions Evaluation Committee

The Institutions Evaluation Committee (SEC) acts mainly in the processes of certification of the internal quality assurance systems of faculties and university schools and in institutional accreditation. This committee includes academic, professional, student and international experts, all from outside the University System of Aragon.


Javier González Benito, President

University of Salamanca



Gaspar Ros Berruezo

University of Murcia



Gloria Zaballa Pérez

University of Deusto



Berta Fernández Álvarez, International 

University of Leiden (Netherlands)



Sonia Corujo CapoteExternal stakeholder

QA expert, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria



María Luisa Blanco Sánchez, Student

Pablo de Olavide University


Research Evaluation Committee

The Research Evaluation Committee acts in all evaluation processes related to the research activity of individuals or institutions. In this committee there must be experts from each field of knowledge and all of them must develop their main research activity outside the University System of Aragon.


Enrique Mirambell ArrizabalagaEngineering & Architecture, Chair

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya




Ana María Camean FernándezHealth Sciences 

Universidad de Sevilla




María José FrapolliArts & Humanities 

Universidad de Granada



Eloísa Carbonell Porras, Area of Social & Legal Sciences

Universidad de Jaén



 Antonia Garrido Frenich, Sciences     

 Universidad de Almería




Faculty Evaluation Subcommittee (SEP)

The main technical function of this Subcommittee consists of the evaluation for the accreditation of hired professors with clinical links. The number of members of this Subcommittee will be adapted to the needs of the faculty evaluation functions that the Agency will progressively develop.


            Francisco Gracia NavarroPresident

            University of Córdoba




           Ana María Obeso Cáceres

           University of Valladolid



            Jaume Farrés Vicén

           Autonomous University of Barcelona





           Luis Grande Posa

          Autonomous University of Barcelona

