Study Programmes Assessment Cycle
The Spanish regulatory framework establishes the organization of official university education and defines an evaluation and accreditation system whose objective is to supervise the effective execution of education and inform society about the quality of education. The Quality Agencies are responsible for ensuring the external quality assurance of higher education in Spain through the following cyclical process that applies to Degrees, Masters, PhD Programs, Art Education and Joint Programs:
- Study Programme Initial Accreditation: Ex-ante evaluation of new programmes designs (and subsequent modifications).
- Study Programme Follow Up: Follow up of the adequate implementation of the programmes, verifying that the commitments of the programme are being respected and that they have been favourably evaluated.
- Study Programme Accreditation: Ex-post evaluation of the results of the implementation of the study plan (every 6 years for Bachelor's degrees / 4 years for Master's degrees) which includes a visit to the center by an external panel.
Legal Framework
National legal framework
| |||
R.D. 822 de Organización (Spanish) |
R.D. 99/2011 Doctorado (Spanish) |
R.D. 1614/2009 Artísticas (Spanish) | Res. SGU Enseñ. Virtua. e Híbrid.(Spanish) |
Regional legal framework
D.72/2023, de 17 de mayo, del Gobierno de Aragón (Spanish) |
Once an evaluation process has been completed, the opinion and suggestions for improvement are collected from all participants in the process (SET, committee and panel reviewers and reviewed). Based on this information, the CECA introduces the appropriate improvements in the evaluation procedures after consulting with the different stakeholders.
2023 Training pills
ACPUA presents a training novelty with the latest news regarding the Study Programme Initial Accreditation Processes.
2020 Singularities and improvementes
2019 Information news
The ACPUA's Programmes Evaluation Committee (SET) may open a period of 5 working days for a second review of the study plan submitted for initial accreditation/modification. This shall be done exceptionally and in any case taking into account the content of the aspects that must necessarily be modified in order to obtain a favourable report in the first review.
GUIDELINES for the drafting/assessment of the study plans / modification for study programmes in blended and online learning modalities.
ACPUA plans to publish a document with guidelines for the drafting and subsequent evaluation of the study plans /modification of degrees to be offered in the "blended" or "online" modality (currently in the stakeholder consultation phase).
INITIAL ACCREDITATION / MODIFICATION OF DEGREES. Information relating to item 6. Academic Staff.
In order to facilitate the presentation of information and the assessment of ítem "6. Academic Staff" in the Initial Accreditation reports, tables have been prepared which may be included in these reports on a voluntary basis in the processes of study plan and doctoral programme and degree modification. There are three tables, one for Bachelor's degrees, one for Master's degrees and one for doctoral programmes.
2017 FOCUS GROUP: Dialogues with ACPUA
Once ACPUA achieved, with its enrollment in the European EQAR register, all the competencies in the evaluation of degrees, covering the entire life cycle of any official degree from an Aragonese university, the Agency considered it necessary to provide itself with a general framework of evaluation of degrees. In this context, the agency carried out an important process of reflection and review of evaluation procedures, the first step of which was the collection of feedback from all those involved in the quality of the University System of Aragon.
During the months of June and July 2017, ACPUA opened a “bottom up” dialogue in which the protagonists were all university degrees and those who work within them in “front line” in the field of quality: vice-rectors, coordinators , members of quality assurance commissions, students, teachers, etc.
Three sessions were held in Zaragoza, Teruel and Huesca, using the focus group methodology with dynamic practices in small groups, collecting the contributions of all attendees on how the quality assurance cycle of university education in Aragon could evolve and improve achieving greater efficiency and impact of its processes.
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