ACPUA continues to collaborate with the University of Zaragoza and 11 other universities in its European University Alliance project called UNITA. This time it has met in Pamplona with the Quality Evaluation Board (QEB) to present the results of the participation of the Quality Agencies in the Alliance.
The participation of the Quality Agencies in UNITA is both a novelty and a challenge. For this reason, from the Presidency that ACPUA held in the first phase and the Vice-Presidency in this second phase of the project, it has been important to reflect together on the task of advising on internal and external quality. In this meeting, we have collaborated with another Spanish agency (ANECA), with the Italian agency (ANVUR) and with the Portuguese agency (A3ES), to which we have passed the baton of coordination of the quality agencies.
As a full member of ENQA and of the most important global and European networks on quality assurance (EQAR, INQAAHE, ECA) and having carried out international reviews within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), ACPUA is keen to participate in the UNITA project because the development of a European framework for the overall quality assurance of European universities is an important challenge that quality assurance agencies have to face. To this end, ACPUA offers its previous experience in actively accompanying the construction of the internal quality system of the UNITA Alliance.
Link to the UNITA project: - UNITA (
Link to the ACPUA+International website: ACPUA + INTERNACIONAL | ACPUA (