XII Conference of Technical Quality Units

16/11/2023 to 17/11/2023

The XII Conference of the Technical Quality Units was held at the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea on 16 and 17 November at the Bizkaia Aretoa of the UPV/EHU. These conferences are conceived as a meeting place to share knowledge and good practices and to encourage collaborative work among the staff of the Quality Units, especially those in the technical field.

This year the conference dedicated different round tables to institutional accreditation, the accreditation of doctoral programmes, own degrees and the integration of the SDGs in universities. ACPUA was invited to present its programme ALCAEUS - Commitment of the centres to the 2030 Agenda, within the round table on the inclusion of the SDGs.

From ACPUA we thank the organisation of the conference, the chance to present the ALCAEUS programme, and the good reception of the proposal among those present. It is always a rewarding opportunity to attend these meetings in which to share experiences and listen to the quality units, direct partners of the Agencies in the processes of external quality assurance.

Web de las jornadas

ALCAEUS Presentation


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