Training pills: ACPUA update on Study Programme Initial Accreditation Processes


ACPUA has included in its Strategic Planning 2023 a training novelty, the training pills, following one of ENQA's recommendations, the improvement of the european standar ESG 3.6 Internal Quality Assurance and Professional Conduct.

“The panel recommends that ACPUA bridge the gaps in its internal quality assurance system by closing the feedback loops between its evaluation bodies and reviewers, and by putting in place a procedure to deal with breaches of its Code of Ethics that might occur in the future”.

In order to innovate in the first part of this statement, ACPUA has included these indications in its "Follow up report" sent to ENQA last June and in its Strategic Plan 2023: “Related to innovative and ongoing activities expected this year, ACPUA is planning the inclusion, in the protocols of the reporting cycle for degree and centre processes, of a continuous feedback (already in place) to the panel of experts on the reports following reviews and allegations from the universities. This will be included in a new learning format named training pills.

Direct link to ACPUA Study Programmes/ Meta-evaluation section: Study Prgrammes | ACPUA (
