We strengthen our Institutions Evaluation Committee (SEC)

Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA)

08.05.2020.- The ACPUA Institutions Evaluation Committee (SEC), responsible, among other functions, for issuing reports of the centres' SGIC program for certification of the implementation of the Internal Quality Guarantee System and institutions Initial Accreditation, has been strengthened and expanded. All ACPUA technical committees are subject to partial periodic renewals, and -given the increasing importance and development of institutional assessment- we have taken advantage of the sec's mandatory partial renewal to strengthen it by increasing the number of members from 5 to 7: one more academic vocal, Gaspar Ros, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary of Murcia and an international vocal, Berta Fernández, of the University of Leiden, Netherlands. The President, José Angel Domínguez, was until very recently director of ACSUCYL, the agency of Castilla-León. Today, by videoconference, took place the first meeting of this renewed committee.   

See new compositon in "Evaluation Committees" of Organization

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