Presentation of ACPUA´s director to the Alliance of European Universities UNITA

Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA)

Last February 1st the director of ACPUA, Antonio Serrano, presented and debated UNITA´s quality policy with those responsible for this Alliance of european universities where University of Zaragoza takes part. More than 7o people (management and quality assurance staff from the universities that are part in the Alliance) attended the event. During the meeting, the person in charge of coordinating the Alliance, Maurizio di Tullio (University of Torino), the responsible of coordinating university and Vice-Rector of Torino University, Mario Giacobini, and finally the Rector of University of Zaragoza, José Antonio Mayoral, who is in charge of UNITA´s Presidence in 2022, also spoke. The Vice Rectors of University of Zaragoza Francisco Beltrán (Internationalization and Cooperation) and José Ángel Castellanos (Academic Policy) also took part in the session.

The ACPUA is associate partner of UNITA and collaborates closely with it in the development of the quality assurance system of this Alliance.
