Meeting of the new Follow up Commission for University Programming 2021-2021

Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA)

16/07/21.- Under the direction of the Aragon General Director for Higher Education, Ramón Guirado, the new Follow up Commission for University Programming 2021-2021 has been constituted today, created under the ORDER CUS/358/2021, of 7th of April, which publishes the Agreement of 24th of March 2021, of the Government of Aragon, establishing the principles and objectives that will guide the programming of official university education in our Autonomous Community. At the proposal of the General Director for Higher Education, the Director of the ACPUA is a member of this Commission (Order of 29 June 2021 of the Regional Minister of Science, University and Knowledge Society).


In addition to the constitution of the Commission, its President reported on the new developments in university programming for the period 2021-2024, listing its objectives and announcing the drawing up of a map of degrees, as provided for in the first of the aforementioned regulations. The latest draft of the Royal Decree establishing the organisation of Higher Education and the procedure for quality assurance was also studied. The director of the ACPUA, Antonio Serrano, had the opportunity to present the objectives of the programme more directly related to the Agency's evaluation activities.
