ENQA confirms our compliance with the ESG and renews full ACPUA membership

Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA)

On 24th June the Board of ENQA (The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) unanimously agreed that our Agency complies with the European Quality Standards (ESG) and consequently renewed the status of the ACPUA as a full member of ENQA for a further 5 years. This decision is based on the evaluation report prepared by the international panel of experts who visited the ACPUA in November last year.

This is great news, very important for us, because with this decision of ENQA the ACPUA can now apply to the European Register of Agencies (EQAR) to renew its registration, also for another 5 years. Once ENQA has published the evaluation report of the ACPUA on its website, our Agency will also proceed to its publication and broadcasting of the results.

The ACPUA is very grateful to all the collaborators, evaluators and experts, and also shares its satisfaction with the Aragonese universities and all the stakeholders (students, teaching staff and social and economic agents) who have helped the Agency during these years and have participated in the interviews of the international evaluation panel.  
