Dialog Meetings /Conversations with the centers: a new action of the ACPUA

Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA)

Adopting the most advanced practices of the agencies operating in the European Higher Education Area, the ACPUA is launching a new action with the aim of discussing the needs and advances in quality of the centers that make up the university system of Aragon, thus increasing the feedback we receive from them. Under the label of "Dialog Meetings / Conversations with the centers", this friendly way of monitoring the system will essentially consist of interviews or conversations lasting approximately one hour with each of their deans, directors or management teams. This program, which will also serve to inform the centers first-hand about our activities in the short and medium term, will be deployed over the next few weeks. The ACPUA thanks the universities in advance for their collaboration.
