14/07/2020. ACPUA has attended the webinar "New Realities for Quality Assurance and Online Resources: Reflections on the Role of INQAAHE in a Global Framework" organized by INQAAHE (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies). In this webinar, three experts have shared their thoughts and ideas on the rigor of quality processes, online publications and how INQAAHE helps to strengthen accountability, quality and value of ensuring the quality of higher education.
Moderated by Dr. Naji AlMahdi, and following the presentation by Natasa Hogue who explained the possibilities of online digital libraries, Angela Yung-Chi Hou addressed the changes, impact and crisis management caused by COVID 19 in quality assurance carried out in INQAAHE, finalizing the presentations with the presence of Martí Casadesús, director of AQU Catalunya Catalunya , who shared the Agency's adaptation to the situation caused by the pandemic.