After the return from holidays and in order to promote dialogue and cooperation with the Quality Units of both universities of the University System of Aragon, the ACPUA has initiated contacts with the University of Zaragoza (UZ) and the San Jorge University (USJ).
- University of Zaragoza, Friday 6 September 2024
- San Jorge University, Friday 20 September 2024
Under the slogan ‘Launch of activities for the academic year 2024-2025’, the meetings have been used to review the planning of the processes that are expected to be carried out in the next academic year and the different actions that are going to be implemented, holding fruitful meetings with the quality teams.
In this way, ‘normality’ returns after the pandemic, as since its declaration, the meetings and contact with the technical teams had been held in virtual modality.
In the case of the University of Zaragoza, the meeting was also used as a chance to visit the new Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, showing us its facilities and equipment.
In the case of the San Jorge University, the heads of Quality have offered to visit all its facilities and learn first-hand about its new projects.
The ACPUA is grateful for the availability of both universities.