Final Conference on MICROBOL project


The ACPUA attended the final Conference of the MICROBOL project online on March 8th. Moderated by the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training and in cooperation with its partners, they presented the common framework for micro-credentials in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

First, DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture in European Commission (EC) led the Council´s recommendations approach. Kinga Szuli, EC policy officer, talked about the role of microcredentials in higher education and how they relate to the Bologna key commitments, knowing the possible support from this institution.

Secondly, MICROBOL project coordinator, Magalie Soenen, presented the results of this iniciative: a common definition, purpose, usefulness and its constitutive elements, carrying on recommendations from different áreas: quality assurance, recognition and the link between qualifications framework and ECTS.

Finally, and after another interesting experts debate moderated by Maria Kelo, current director of Institutional Development in EUA (European University Association), we attended the concluding remarks of a project that has just begun, but with a hopeful future.

Recording and presentations of MICROBOL Final Conference:

MICROBOL Final Conference presentations and recording – MicroHE (


