ACPUA + INTERNATIONAL: The universities of Colombia's indigenous communities


On the occasion of the launch of our ALCAEUS evaluation program to measure the degree of commitment of universities to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the ACPUA focuses several of its seminars this year from a social and sustainability perspective.

In this sense, the social dimension, the emergence of new knowledge and its recognition in academic sphere have generated their own particular and powerful dynamics in the Latin American context. For this reason, the first ACPUA seminar of these characteristics took place on February 3rd and was dedicated to the impressive movement of the new universities of the indigenous communities in Colombia. Specifically, we were able to learn first-hand about the creation and development of the Intercultural Indigenous Autonomous University (UAIIN), promoted by the indigenous communities of the department of Cauca and the first of its kind to obtain state recognition by the Colombian state.  With their new language and new timbre, Rosalba Ipía and Libio Palechor, two of the promoters of the UAINN, explained to us the objectives, struggles, values and academic projects of this diverse university.

Link to the seminar "Universidad Autónoma Intercultural Indígena UAIIN" in Facebook

