On 26-27 October, ACPUA participated in the General Assembly of ENQA, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, which took place in Dublin (Ireland). The meeting was attended by 145 participants representing 44 countries.
After the institutional welcome, two plenary sessions were held on the updating of the recognition of qualifications in the European Higher Education Area.
In the second part of the meeting, the General Assembly took place, in which different aspects were presented and approved: the agenda, the annual report for 2022-2023, the budget and the new fees foreseen for 2024, the definition of future activities and plans, the members of the ENQA committees for allegations and revisions, the new members of the organisation and the venues of the meetings foreseen for next year, Hannover (Germany) and Valletta (Malta).
Finally, 4 participative thematical workshops were held, dealing with updating topics about: academic integrity, message for the Bologna Ministerial Conference, the future of ESG (Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area) and the target-oriented review methodology.
The Agency is grateful for the willingness, quality and warmth of all participants and organisers.
Link to ENQA webpage: 2023 ENQA General Assembly, 25-27 October 2023, Dublin, Ireland • ENQA