The organisations belonging to the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), including ACPUA, meet several times a year in different formats (ENQA Forum, Webinars, ENQA Board, CEO's Meeting, EQAF Quality Assurance Forum...etc.).
This Thursday 18th, the first meeting of the Directors of the ENQA member agencies took place online and was attended by our Director, Cristina Rodríguez Coarasa.
The meetings between the CEOs of the different Quality Assurance Agencies and the ENQA Board take place twice a year and serve as an opportunity to update and discuss issues of strategic relevance for Higher Education and the role of ENQA in its different issues.
This session addressed, among others, the following issues:
- Pilot project for Joint European Degree Label.
The conclusions of the agencies that have taken part in this project were shared, giving rise to the exchange of perspectives and opinions among the different member countries on the subject, pros and cons of the implementation of these Labels.
- The role of the Agencies as a channel and facilitator of the doubts and concerns of the different agents involved.
On the other hand, the meeting of the next Members' Forum was formally announced. The host agency will be the Central Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation in Germany (ZEvA) and it will take place next April in Hannover.
The next CEO Members executive meeting is scheduled for June.