On 22 and 23 June, ACPUA took part in a meeting of ECA, the European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education, which took place in Palma de Mallorca. On the agenda of the meeting was the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the organisation, as well as the renewal of the members of the Committee in the General Assembly, among other aspects.
In the first part of the meeting, which took place on 22 June, and following a welcome address by the Director of the AQUIB Agency in Palma de Mallorca, various important personalities from the early years of the institution described the beginnings and achievements of the first two decades. In the second part, through a round table discussion entitled "quality assurance in a changing world", a definition was made of how agencies should be in order to face different emerging issues: micro-credentials and lifelong learning, student-centred learning, institutional accreditation and university alliances, among others. In the third part, the role of ECA for the future was discussed in small groups, with a collaborative brainstorming session that served to integrate all participants.
In the General Assembly held on 23 June, different aspects were approved: the agenda, the annual report for 2022, the proposed budget for 2023 and proposed membership fees for 2024, the definition of upcoming activities and plans, the extension of the coordinator's contract, the new members of the organisation and the members of the Financial Committee and the Organising Committee. From ACPUA, we congratulate Eva Fernández de Labastida as the new chair of ECA.
Link to ECA webpage: Member’s Seminar in Palma de Mallorca – The European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education (ecahe.eu)