ACPUA takes part in the Aragon meeting of the UN Global Compact of the United Nations Global Compact


ACPUA attended the meeting convened by the United Nations Global Compact in Zaragoza, contributing to the analysis of the current situation of the Aragonese entities that are part of this network. This meeting is part of the UN Global Compact Spain' s mission to create a better future by promoting sustainability in our country.

The event, led by its president Clara Arpa, took place at the headquarters of the Zaragoza Metal Business Federation (FEMZ) and was attended by a third of its members. During the event, the objectives of the entity were shared and the different entities of the network were presented, as well as their strengths and expectations.

Since 2015 ACPUA is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, committed to sustainable practices in higher education. In this sense, in 2018 the implementation of the ALCAEUS Programme began, which the Aragonese Agency culminated 2 years ago. This programme has generated an evaluation protocol that ensures the quality of the university centres around the reflection and development of the 2030 Agenda in their educational community.


ACPUA Best Practices in Sustainability 2024: Buenas Prácticas - COMparte (

ACPUA+Society on the ACPUA website: comunicacion_sobre_involucramiento_coe.pdf (

