ACPUA has taken part at the 7th Meeting of innovation centres in Aragon


The ACPUA has presented its communication entitled: "Meet the new infographic of guidance towards higher education" at the 7th Meeting of innovation centres in Aragon held in the Patio de la Infanta of Ibercaja in Zaragoza.

This new digital tool of the ACPUA+Students programme, under the slogan "Inform yourself and decide your education", provides comprehensive and necessary content for the transition to higher education.

The content focuses mainly on support for the choice of studies, on the section on available and transition degrees, on resources for employability and entrepreneurship, on the chance of free guidance and other options related to vocational training.

A printable poster with QR code is available for organisations and educational centres.

The ACPUA is grateful for the invitation to the 7th Meeting organised by the DIM-EDU Educational Network together with the Aragonese Association of Psychopedagogy, the COPOE and the ESPIRAL Association.

Link to the Infographic: Infografía Orientación ACPUA (

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