ACPUA attends the 2nd General Assembly of INQAAHE


The ACPUA attended online the second General Assembly of the international network of quality assurance agencies in higher education. It has contributed with the vote from the Board of Directors to the nomination of the future President of the entity, Vicky Stott (the representative of England in the Board), as well as to the decision on the future locations that will serve as venues for the events of the coming months.

Different topics were discussed, such as: the creation of a new Recognition Council, the presentation of the new website, the list of the new entities certified as GGP/ISG and the presentation of the new Board of Directors.

Finally, the hosts of the next event of this network, to which the ACPUA has belonged since 2016, presented the general lines that will be proposed next May 2025 in Tokyo (Japan).

The ACPUA actively takes part in this network, which two years ago approved its application to join the International Good Practices which, in turn, are in line with the new International Standards and Guidelines approved by INQAAHE in 2023.


Link to INQAAHE Forum: Home - INQAAHE 2024 (

Link to the approval of the ACPUA's GGPs: Evaluación de INQAAHE | ACPUA (

