The PACE-SIGC Programme of the ACPUA certifies the implementation of an internal quality assurance system in a university center. PACE-SIGC is a voluntary programme.
The main objective of this programme is to generate sufficient confidence in the centers and in their ability to provide quality training that guarantees the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the students and of the society. This confidence will be supported by transparent public information and accountability. Therefore, the participation of the different stakeholders is necessary and essential in this internal quality system.
Certification of the implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System is an essential requirement for centers to apply for initial institutional accreditation.
The evaluation is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Framework PACE-SIGC Programme.
The programme has been designed taking into account the provisions of the "Protocol for the certification of internal quality assurance systems of universities", which had been developed by all the Spanish university quality agencies, including ACPUA. In accordance with article 14.3.b) of Royal Decree 640/2021, of July 27th, the General Conference on University Policy, at the proposal of the Ministry of Higher Education, has approved the Protocol for the certification of internal quality assurance systems (IQAS) of university centers.
When a center is able to demonstrate that it has carried out a review cycle of its IQAS, it can request the assessment to certificate the implementation by filling in the corresponding request (see DOCUMENTS).
ESG Compliance part 2
In process
Evaluation of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education (Huesca).
If you are involved in the implementation of SIGC-IQAS in the Faculty/Center and you want to share your experience with the panel, please send us an e-mail with your contact information to audiencias.acpua@aragon.es.(Each participant will have 2 minutes to tell the panel about his or her experience.)
Certified Centers