DIALOG MEETINGS - Meetings with the CUD and the Faculty of Medicine

Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA)

Within the program DIALOG MEETINGS with the centers that make up the Aragonese University System, the Director of the Agency, Antonio Serrano, visited on March 13th the University Center for Defense (CUD) of Zaragoza, where he was informed by the Director, Francisco J. Gómez Ramos, and the Deputy Director, Fernando Beltrán, of the teaching progress made, available resources and strategies for improving education.

Later on and already within the current phase of  COVID-19 confinement, the director of the ACPUA held on April 30th an informal meeting with Javier Lanuza, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, in which he showed his interest in the state of health of the Faculty’s teaching staff, the completion of the student’s practices (particularly of the 6th year) and the viable alternatives in which the center is working to carry out the examinations and the ECOE tests.
