The ACPUA renews its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact


The Agency for Quality and University Foresight of Aragon (ACPUA), adhered in 2015 to the Global Compact of the United Nations (UN) and its Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption. In 2025, it reaffirms its support for a further two years.

To this end, it has issued a Commitment Report describing the measures taken, outlining the actions carried out during the years 2023 and 2024 and highlighting in the new strategic planning for the next 4 years, the continuation of the promotion of the social dimension of the ACPUA and, in particular, the strengthening of measures for equality, diversity, emotional support for the student body and openness to society.

The ACPUA is also committed to strengthening and sharing this information with its stakeholders and, in particular, with the university community, through our main communication channels, as we have been doing for the last two years through our website and social networks, fostering transparency and trust.

This is our Communication of Commitment to the UN Global Compact, on which we are open to any comments or suggestions to enrich our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

United Nation Global Compact: Agencia de Calidad y Prospectiva Universitaria de Aragon (ACPUA) – Communication on Engagement | UN Global Compact

ACPUA+Society on the ACPUA website: ACPUA + Sociedad | ACPUA

