ACPUA is the Quality Agency that evaluates the quality systems of the centres of the universities of Aragon through its PACE-SIGC Programme. In this programme, a virtual visit is carried out in which the opinion of the different interest groups such as students, graduates, employers, teachers, administration and services staff, etc. is known. These staff are selected by the centre itself.
The timetable of this Visit includes an open space called "Open Audience", which is a space for participation for all the staff of the centre. It is a guarantee of the right of any interested party to give the visiting panel (ACPUA's expert evaluator) their impressions if they have not been called for an interview by the centre itself.
The role of this panel in the audience is passive and focuses on listening and collecting opinions from those who choose to attend.
The interview will take place on 28 February 2024 from 15:30 to 16:00.
Those interested should write to ACPUA at before 21 February, informing about their name and surname, ID number and contact details (email and mobile phone). Afterwards, they will be sent the zoom link available for connection.
More information on the ACPUA site evaluation: Programa PACE - SIGC | ACPUA (