Important news: ACPUA renews its registration in the European Register of Agencies EQAR

Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA)

ACPUA has achieved to renew its international accreditation for 5 more years. The European Quality Assurance Register of Higher Education (EQAR), which is the official body based in Brussels that recognizes university quality agencies that demonstrate compliance with the current quality standards in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), has just communicated this to the ACPUA on October 22nd. This means that our Autonomous Community can continue to exercise, through the ACPUA, the powers granted by Spanish legislation on the quality of higher education, since with the current university reform only the autonomous agencies that have this type of European accreditation can carry out official activities recognized at a national level.

In addition, the evaluations made by the ACPUA of Degrees, Masters and Doctoral programs offered by universities achieve European recognition and prestige, and the corresponding reports can continue to be incorporated into the large DEQAR database on university degrees that has been set up by the European Register of EQAR Agencies.

This new accreditation is valid until June 2026. The ACPUA has achieved this after passing a demanding international evaluation conducted by ENQA (the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education), which has also allowed it to renew its status as a full member of ENQA for 5 years.


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Link to EQAR Register 

