ACPUA's Board of Directors Meeting

Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education (ACPUA)

Last Monday, June 27th, the ACPUA's Board of Directors met by videoconference in ordinary session. The meeting was chaired by the Minister of Science, Higher Education and Knowledge Society from the Aragon Government, Maru Diaz, who was accompanied by the new Vice President and Aragon General Director for Higher Education, Yolanda Sancho, to whom the director of the ACPUA has given a warm welcome. This Board of Directors, besides knowing and discussing the main activities developed by the Agency in the last six months, has unanimously approved the accounts and the Annual report for 2021. It has also approved an agreement with the University of Cantabria formalizing the entrustment of management to the ACPUA for the assessment of merits of the teaching and research staff of that university and various protocols of action that reinforce and give channel to the special cooperation relations that the ACPUA maintains with the agencies AQU Catalunya, ANVUR (Italy) and ARACIS (Romania).
